ME GUSTA: alt-J (∆)

In April this year my sister surprised me by buying us tickets to see this little known band called 'alt-j' who I'd shown a little interest in before.
They were all kinds of amazing, but I was shocked to find that the gig was in a really small venue called 'The Africa Centre' in Covent Garden (which was interesting, because it looks like a shop from the front, but in the back there's an ornate mini-theatre style room where the gig took place)

Post image for ∆ (made by pressing the alt and j keys on a Mac): InstaGlow Review

I instantly fell in love with their sound all over again, and there was a moment of pure magic when, for one of their songs, out of a crowd of just over 100 people, a group of people began to sing beautiful melodies in 4 part harmony, enchanting the room with their sound.

Never before have I heard a band with such a vivid, unique sound, and with their debut album 'An Awesome Wave'  Critic's favourite to win Mercury Music prize (as well as one of my favourite all-time albums - every song is a tune!) they're definitely heading straight for stardom.

Is it too early for me to buy tickets for their Brixton gig in May?

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