"that was good - i mean,  you started out a bit shy, but that's fine because i'm shy too"

Set List
Brown Trout Blues
Sweet William
Ghost of O'Donahue
The Water
Tickle Me Pink
Einstein's Idea


Tuesday was Shakespeare's birthday, so on Sunday the Globe Theatre held a day of celebrations, with the maim event hosted by stand-up comedian Lucy Porter, with performances from amazing magicians and the Magic Numbers - who I personally believe weren't suitable for the venue but *meh* what can you do?
The only reason I'd really bought the tickets in the first place was in order to see 30-year old folk singer Johnny Flynn.

Me and my friends love Johnny Flynn so much that we decided to queue up early, and if the pre-gig buzz wasn't enough we could hear the sound check while we were queuing. 
Eventually we got into the building, and because we'd queued up so early I got to stand directly in front of him, less than two metres away from him.

He sang a few songs solo, with a strong vocal that silenced the room with awe, then his sister Lillie joined him on stage, filling in on some sweet harmonies.

But the best part wasn't the fact that I was so close to the front, how shy he was when talking to the crowd, or even that he did most of my favourite songs.

His closing song was a lullaby, and just before he finished tuning the guitar, he pointed to the corner of the room and with a sweet, eye-crinkling grin, exclaimed to everyone that his son was in the audience and knew all of the lyrics. True to his word, throughout the song his little boy kept on calling out, "daddy!" and as he sang the lyrics "your mother is sleeping/ i'll play my guitar/ the twilight is keeping us close to the stars", smiling at his son with fatherly pride, I could sense that his third album (due out later this year) will have a new sound, as he matures into parenthood that I can't wait to hear!

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