The Rapiest Music Video I've Ever Seen

When I first heard Robin Thicke's new song Blurred Lines, it was instantly catchy and I'm a big fan of Pharrell, so I really liked it. So I decided to check out the music video.

I was really disappointed by the music video, because while I appreciate that it's quite basic and doesn't have the most intellectually challenging lyrics, I thought that we were in the 21st century, and we'd gone past the whole idea that women are just objects to ogle at.

Because I find it incredible how certain music videos can feel like a small film, then you have songs, like this, that currently sits at no. 1 in the music charts and will be broadcast on all of the music channels, which consists of models walking across the screen while creepy-ass Robin Thicke makes my skin crawl as he sings that you're a 'good girl' - that wouldn't be nearly as creepy if he wasn't old enough to be the parents of most people who are listening to it!

Now, that should be the end of my rant. It's a bit of a weak rant, because it has recently become the social norm for hot girls in hotpants to strut around in music videos.

THERE IS A VERSION WHERE MR. THICK (forget the e, its unnecessary) IS ACTING ALL 'CREEPY-DRUNK-MIDDLE-AGED-MAN-IN-A-BAR (as he does in the original video). 

But this time, it isn't enough for them to be wearing revealing clothes - to fulfill this man's dream video he has women wearing no clothes, apart from some skin coloured thongs (which I didn't even notice were there until about halfway through it.

Think of it as hot, or be as disgusted by the objectification and general creepiness like I have been, but I am 100% done with this. And that's upsetting, because I really used to like 'When I Get You Alone'.


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  1. Omg I feel the same! I love the song but I feel awkward watching it when it comes up on tv

  2. you're right! first i liked the song, but then i saw the video and i was like what? how can people still make things like this?

  3. the worst thing about the other version is that the men are fully clothed!

  4. you basically summed up exactly what I thought also! just found your blog and I love it <3


  5. ew ew ew ew ew I love the song it's rally catchy but now I'm kinda disgusted every time I hear it :( yes every female has boobs men need to get over it already!
    Love your blog btw :D
    Aoife xx


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