Nope, I haven't made a typo. Deap Vally are an L.A based rock duo described as 'a scuzzy White Stripes meets Led Zeppelin rock and roll duo’, and they're so punk they spelt their own band name wrong.
If it isn't the sound of a whole rock band with two people that hasn't been heard since the White Stripes that draws you in, or their catchy head-banging songs, then it'll be their look. Because to put it illiterately, THEY GOT SWAG.

If it isn't the sound of a whole rock band with two people that hasn't been heard since the White Stripes that draws you in, or their catchy head-banging songs, then it'll be their look. Because to put it illiterately, THEY GOT SWAG.

They ooze 1970s rock-star glamour and I can imagine them quickly building up a large fanbase of nostalgic rock'n'roll fans who want a taste of musical liberation, as you can draw similarities to other acts such as The Black Keys.
It is also really tempting to headbang like the drummer does in the video for their latest single, 'Baby I Can Hell':
oh wow they are amaazing! the drummer reminds me of florence welch. :-)