For a long time, I've been an oblivious fan of Neil Gaiman's. When I was younger, I saw film adaptations of his books, Stardust and Coraline (and enjoyed them both) but assumed that they were original films. It was a few years later when I came across Coraline in my school library and saw the episodes of Doctor Who that he's penned, that I fully fell in love with his style of writing - Stardust was my book for the beach last week, and I managed to finish it in a matter of days, with his stories being incredibly fun and easy to read.

The thing about Neil Gaiman is, aside from being a talented scriptwriter and author, is a very inspirational man. He recently (or not so recently, I'm not sure of the date) gave a speech at University of the Arts, giving advice to people on being a freelancer in the arts, and as somebody who's still undecided on what to do, this twenty minute speech is really motivational, and I'd definitely recommend giving it a quick listen.

I'd write more, but I want to go back to reading NEVERWHERE (by Neil Gaiman, of course!)


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