Have you seen this weird symbol on the walls in your nearest city?


I was out in central London, and me and my friend almost walked past this wall, but luckily I always like to look at street graffiti (sometimes you find the most interesting political statements!) and I noticed this symbol.

If you can't see it from the pictures, it spells out 'REFLEKTOR', which is supposed to be associated with the new album by Arcade Fire!

I absolutely love Arcade Fire - I first fell in love with them when I bought 'The Suburbs', and I then went on to buy their two previous albums, Funeral and Neon Bible, both of which are among my favourite all-time albums.

The new album is meant to be out late October, and whether or not 'Reflektor' is the name of the album or just their first single... we'll have to wait to find out. If you're interested, check out the tumblr tag for 'reflektor' to find some weird juju that the team at Arcade Fire released, including a series of binary codes that translates to make possible song lyrics.

Or just listen to some Arcade Fire!

E x

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