Since I had my last exam on 12th June, I've had a ridiculous amount of spare time, so a few weeks ago, me and a few friends decided to visit Dublin, and somehow managed to pick the hottest week in (supposedly) 70 years.

Because we were just a couple of teenage girls with not too many euros between us, we often relied on hitching rides off my mate Kit's relatives (I wish I could say I hitchhiked Dean Moriarty style, but this ain't the 20th century) and having many ice creams for snacks, but I had a crazy fun time, and it's sad that I won't get to see these people every day anymore, because we're all going our separate ways.
Anyway, so I don't end on a sad note, here's part 1 of my holiday pics (yep, there's a lot of pictures so I'm gonna put it under a read more)

when I go abroad I turn into the bearded lady
Photo: finally taking a break from singing 'the climb' non-stop
Kit looking swell as ever
if you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a sassy surprise

Photo: powerscourt is really purdy
Powerscourt is SO BEAUTIFUL

the view from the top of the mountain in Bray

I would like to point out that I remained sane, despite the fact that my friends insisted on humming 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus for the entire duration of our mountainous walk.
More pictures in the next couple of days!


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1 comment:

  1. Hahaha your friends obviously have a remarkable sense of humour.


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